Thursday, November 26, 2020

Nature _ Animal. - (20 links).   09/04/2020   Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.   09/04/2020   Biodiversity in Belize. Biological diversity research information including research papers, taxonomically arranged species lists with special emphasis on the biodiversity of Belize.   24/07/2020   Asociación Pura Raza Cabalo Galego. Caballo de Pura Raza Gallega. La Asociación Pura Raza Cabalo Galego es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que se constituyó formalmente en el año 1997.   09/04/2020   This site is an information-page about everything that is linked to my favourite hobby: birdwatching! Surprisingly, even for me, that "everything" turned out to be mostly gulls!!   09/04/2020   Bird pictures: Gulls in Amsterdam. Bird pictures has photos of gulls and peregrines in Amsterdam, gulls in Poland and illustrated trip reports from Poland and Tunisia.   22/03/2020   Ornithology. Authoritative Information about Wild Birds from a Professional Ornithologist. Accurate and complete information about wild birds from a professional ornithologist.   15/06/2020   The Orthoptera Species File is a taxonomic database of the world's Orthoptera (grasshoppers, locusts, katydids and crickets), both living and fossil. It has full synonymic and taxonomic information for more than 28,5560 valid species, 46,730 scientific names, 222,100 citations to 14,800 references, 104,300 images, 1700 sound recordings, and 102,800 specimen records.   22/03/2020   The Peregrine Fund. We estimate that more than half of all raptor species are in decline, and 18% are threatened with extinction. Our time-tested, proven strategy of species-based conservation has been a mainstay since we resolved to save the Peregrine Falcon in 1970.   26/11/2020   The Birder's Report. Bird Sightings, Birds In The News, Bird Photos, Birdhouses and Feeders, Bird Conservation, Egg and Nest Identification.   22/03/2020   Online bird guide, bird ID help, life history, bird sounds from Cornell. All About Birds.   09/04/2020   Cornell Lab of Ornithology—Home. Dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action.   28/04/2020   Budongo Conservation Field Station, BCFS. The BCFS was founded by Professor Vernon Reynolds in 1990. At that time it was called the Budongo Forest Project. Prof. Reynolds had first studied chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest in 1962 and written a book about the forest and its chimpanzees (Reynolds 1965).   28/04/2020   EFBC’s Feline Conservation Center. EFBC's Feline Conservation Center is part of a  worldwide network of zoos and facilities dedicated to the preservation  of endangered cats. We are involved in cooperative breeding projects with other zoos and facilities throughout the world.   31/10/2020   My name is Boris Krylov and Photography is my hobby. I dedicated this site to my most intersting photos of Macro Photography, Nature and Wildlife Photography and I hope you will enjoy them as I do.   31/10/2020   Martin Reid. Birds, Bugs and Beyond. This website is all about Nature. The primary theme is the identification and distribution of wild creatures, and the main focus is birds - with a strong secondary focus on butterflies and dragonflies.   22/03/2020   Verein Thüringer Ornithologen e.V. Der VTO wurde am 15.12.90 im Haus Dacheröden in Erfurt gegründet. Damals wie heute verfolgt der VTO das Ziel, die Vogelkunde und den Vogelschutz in Thüringen auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage zu fördern. Daher gehört das Vogelmonitoring zu seinen wichtigsten Aufgaben.   22/03/2020   L'Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO) és una associació que es dedica a l’estudi i seguiment dels ocells i els seus hàbitats amb l’objectiu d’obtenir informació sòlida i imparcial que contribueixi significativament en les polítiques de conservació de la biodiversitat.   26/11/2020   The Bird Site. Following the lives of nesting birds and other wildlife. How to build and maintain your own bird box and wildlife CCTV System - with information on Nest Box Cameras, wildlife cameras, wildlife cctv and the world of birds.   26/11/2020   The Birds Of South Gloucestershire (TBOSG) was launched in November 2005 and my aim was to provide a point of reference with easy access to information about rare, scarce and unusual birds, butterflies, dragon and damselflies, both full species and forms, seen in 'S. Glos'.   26/11/2020   WhatBird. Identify birds in North America for bird watching or as a bird guide. Search engine for identifying birds. For birders and identification of wild birds.