0 _ d - (126 links).   20/10/2016   La Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma ha accolto con piacere e ha collaborato in prima persona alla realizzazione di questo evento relativo alla presentazione del sito web botanico PLANT: Plantarum Aetatis Novae Tabulae - Renaissance Herbals.   20/10/2016   Welcome Owl Fans. You are cordially invited to share in the adventures of a pair of Northern Barred Owls (Strix varia varia) as they raise their family in a nest box in Eastern Massachusetts. Rest assured that all of the pictures and sounds that you will experience are being obtained through "owl friendly" methods.

aba.org   20/10/2016   The ABA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding. We are the only organization in North America that specifically caters to recreational birders. We also contribute to bird and bird habitat conservation through our varied programs.

abc.herbalgram.org/site/PageServer   05/12/2019

abm.ojs.inecol.mx/index.php/abm/index   05/12/2019   Acta Botanica Mexicana da a conocer trabajos originales e inéditos en todas las áreas de la botánica, incluyendo florística, taxonomía, taxones nuevos para la ciencia, ecología, etnobotánica, paleontología, evolución, conservación, etc. Aparece cuatro veces al año con una periodicidad estricta en enero, abril, julio y octubre.

abracadabra-recordings.ru   19/07/2014   Все О Рептилиях. Пресмыкающиеся, или рептилии - давний класс настоящих наземных позвоночных. Современные пресмыкающиеся - разрозненные остатки богатого и разнообразного мира рептилий. Около 7 тыс. видов. Представлен различными формами, которые живут повсеместно, но отдают предпочтение районам с теплым и жарким климатом.

academic.evergreen.edu/n/nadkarnn/monteverde/mvhome.html   04/01/2016

acatte.perso.neuf.fr/voyages_personnels.htm   01/03/2015

accstr.ufl.edu   28/09/2014

adega.gal/web/portada.php   28/02/2020

adirondack-history.com   05/03/2017

advances.sciencemag.org   05/12/2019

aegean-wildlife.parosweb.com   07/08/2014   The Aegean Wildlife Hospital of Paros Island, was established in 1995 to treat and rehabilitate all wild animals and to encourage the protection of the fauna through environmental education.

ag.purdue.edu/ansc/Pages/default.aspx   19/07/2014

agcenter.ucdavis.edu   17/02/2017   The mission of the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (WCAHS) is to improve the health and safety of farmers, farmworkers, and their families in Western agriculture. WCAHS is a multidisciplinary research center that supports the prevention of illness and injury in Western agriculture.

aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu   03/03/2020   Aggie Horticulture. Texas A&M University. Academic analyses and information on horticultural crops ranging from fruits and nuts to ornamentals, viticulture and wine.

aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/wildseed/tamuhort.html   13/07/2014

airepurovalpo.blogspot.com   22/12/2016   AIRE PURO. Blog del programa Radial Aire Puro de Radio Placeres.

alexfoundation.org   06/06/2014

allendale-expedition.net   30/12/2014

all-natural.com   19/10/2016   All-Natural. Natural Healing Resource Center.

all-natural.com/herbindx   19/10/2016   Michael Moore. SW School of Botanical Medicine Home Page.

all-natural.com/herbnutr   19/10/2016   Nutritional and Herbal Medicines Guide. Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center.

altnature.com   29/05/2017   Alternative Nature Online Herbal. Medicinal Herbs and Edible Plants grow wild all around us. Learn to identify useful wild herbs here!

altnature.com/gallery/index.html   29/05/2017   The Medicinal Herbs Gallery contains information about many wild medicinal plants, with color herb pictures. You can learn to identify, find and use many common edible and medicinal plants for herbal remedies and medicine. Hundreds of medicinal herbs grow wild around us.

altnature.com/herb-pictures/index.htm   29/05/2017   AltNature Herbs Picture List. Hundreds of herb pictures to browse. Learn about medicinal plants that you see growing wild and often unwanted, and how to prepare them for herbal medicine. Update in progress.

andthentheresphysics.wordpress.com   31/03/2019

animaldiversity.org   09/04/2020   Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.

animaldiversity.org/glossary   12/03/2019   Glossary. Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.

aob.oxfordjournals.org   22/12/2016

aob.oxfordjournals.org/content/91/2/213/F1.expansion   22/12/2016

aobpla.oxfordjournals.org   22/12/2016   AoB PLANTS is an open-access, online journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of basic and applied plant biology, with a developing focus on environmental biology. Published by Oxford University Press, AoB PLANTS provides a fast-track pathway for publishing high-quality research, where papers are available online to anyone, anywhere free of charge.

appliedecology.edu.au   01/10/2014

aqua.nasa.gov   30/12/2014

arcims.isr.oeaw.ac.at/website/oegg/oegg.htm   31/12/2014

arcue.botany.unimelb.edu.au/bayes.html   14/09/2014

aridociencia.mx/index.html   05/12/2019

arnoldia.arboretum.harvard.edu   09/04/2020   Arnoldia has a long history of publishing interdisciplinary writing about trees and other temperate woody plants. The magazine was established as the Bulletin of Popular Information in 1911.

artedi.nrm.se/nrmfish   01/05/2019   This implementation of Collection Presenter enables searches in the NRM Ichthyology Database. Primarily one searches for objects (one or more specimens with the same catalog number), but one may also search directly for images of specimens or localities, or for expedition information.

artusophotos.com   30/06/2014

asas.org/csas   29/05/2017   The Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) is a national non-profit organization of persons engaged in extension, production, research, teaching or with a related interest in Livestock or Poultry Industries in Canada. The property and business of the Society is managed by an elected board composed of 12 members and designated the Executive Committee.

atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov   31/05/2017

atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov/acd   31/05/2017

atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov/acd/publications   31/05/2017

atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov/climate   31/05/2017                                       

atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov/meso   31/05/2017

aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk   03/09/2014

aveschile.cl   01/11/2015   El Consejo Internacional para la Preservación de las Aves (CIPA) o International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) –actualmente BirdLife International-, fundado en 1922, dio paso a la creación de una sección chilena, el 28 de Abril de 1940, y su primer presidente fue el Sr. Carlos S. Reed, que fue sucedido a su muerte por el Dr. Rodulfo A. Philippi.

aviary.owls.com   21/06/2014

aviary.owls.com/magpie/magpie.html   21/06/2014

aviary.owls.com/pyrrhuloxia/pyrrhuloxia.html   21/06/2014

aviary.owls.com/waxwing/waxwing.html   21/06/2014

aviary.upatsix.com   21/06/2014

avibase.bsc-eoc.org/avibase.jsp   15/02/2020   Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 27 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information for 20,000 regions, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more.

baike.niaolei.org.cn   29/06/2018   鸟类百科大全. 鸟类百科全书,The World Bird Database. 为广大鸟类爱好者和公众提供最详细、最专业的鸟类知识。鸟类百科已收录全世界10000多种鸟类的百科图文资料。

bamboo-identification.co.uk   06/07/2019

bch-cbd.naturalsciences.be   09/04/2020   Belgian Clearing-House Mechanism. Information on biodiversity in Belgium in relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Clearing House of Belgium under the Convention on biological diversity. Information on the biodiversity of Belgium, actors, scientific and technical cooperation and more.

bdj.pensoft.net   05/12/2019

bioinfosu.biochem.okstate.edu/pvbe   14/12/2014

biological-diversity.info   28/04/2014

biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/imagecollection.php   20/06/2016

biom.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/index.html   18/02/2017

birdingonthe.net   02/06/2014

birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/UKBN.html   02/06/2014

birdphotography.com   15/02/2020   North American Bird Photography Gallery. This site contains photographs of dozens of North American bird species by Peter LaTourrette. Each bird name in the list to the left is a link to a page with one or more low-resolution files of publication-quality images of that species.

birdringal-andalus.blogspot.com   17/02/2017   Bird Ring Al-Andalus. Blog dedicado al anillamiento cientifico de aves que viven o viajan a traves de mi tierra, Andalucia.

birds.cornell.edu/crows/birdname.htm   02/06/2014

birds.cornell.edu/crows/crowfaq.htm   02/06/2014

birdsmongolia.blogspot.com   02/06/2014

birdsna.org/Species-Account/bna/home   15/02/2020   Birds of North America Online. Birds of North America (BNA) is the most comprehensive reference for the life histories of over 760 bird species that breed in the United States and Canada. Species accounts are written by ornithologists and other experts and are an essential reference for anyone with an advanced interest in birds. Cornell University.

bittooth.blogspot.com   31/03/2019

blog.hotwhopper.com   31/03/2019

blog.lib.umn.edu/nrl/blog   03/02/2015

blog.pnas.org   22/11/2019

blogs.ei.columbia.edu/tag/climate-matters   31/03/2019

botanica.funghiitaliani.it   23/06/2018   Indice Schede Botaniche. Archivio Generale AMINT. Amint, associazione, micologica, italiana, naturalistica, telematica.

botanickivrt.biol.pmf.hr   06/11/2019   Botanički je vrt institucija koja posjeduje dokumentiranu zbirku živih biljaka koja služi znanstvenim istraživanjima, očuvanju biološke raznolikosti, obrazovanju i izložena je javnosti.

botany.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/biolherb/tamudata.htm   20/04/2015

botany.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/biolherb/tamuhome.htm   20/04/2015

botany.si.edu   09/11/2017   Department of Botany. National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution.

botany.si.edu/plantimages   01/11/2015   Plant Image Collection. This library of over 49,000 photographic images of plant species and plant habitats is intended for public as well as professional use. The web images may be used as presented for non-commercial purposes only, with appropriate attribution (see 'Detailed Instructions' section).

botgarten.unibas.ch   30/10/2019   Botanischer Garten der Universität Basel. Departement Umweltwissenschaften. Universität Basel.

botit.botany.wisc.edu   05/12/2019

botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi   06/09/2014

botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/armkey.html   06/09/2014

brassibase.cos.uni-heidelberg.de   05/12/2019

bravenewclimate.com   31/03/2019

bryophyteportal.org/portal   05/12/2019

bushmeat.net/about.html   29/05/2017   Bushmeat Project; Save the Great Apes; Chimps and Gorillas. The Bushmeat Project serves as a source of information and a facilitator of collaborative development in North America, equatorial Africa, and worldwide. Great apes -- gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos -- are being hunted to extinction for commercial bushmeat in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa.

cairngorms.co.uk   08/06/2014

caliban.mpipz.mpg.de/audubon/birds_of_america/index.html   17/02/2017   The birds of America from drawings made in the United States and their territories (1840). Volume I. John James Audubon. Publisher: J.J. Audubon, J.B. Chevalier. Year: 1840. Town: New York, Philadelphia.

caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/haeckel/kunstformen/natur.html   29/06/2018   Diese elektronische Ausgabe wurde erstellt mit Hilfe einer Original-Ausgabe des Haeckel'schen Werkes, das freundlicherweise von Prof. Dr. v. Sengbusch zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Alle Tafeln wurden mit einer Auflösung von 300 dpi und 16 Millionen Farben eingescannt.

calidris.home.xs4all.nl   09/04/2020   This site is an information-page about everything that is linked to my favourite hobby: birdwatching! Surprisingly, even for me, that "everything" turned out to be mostly gulls!!

calphotos.berkeley.edu   05/12/2019

calphotos.berkeley.edu/flora   05/12/2019

cdiac.ess-dive.lbl.gov   15/02/2020   Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

ceres.ca.gov   09/09/2014

charles-darwin.classic-literature.co.uk   09/04/2020   Charles Darwin. Free Classic Literature Books Charles Darwin.

chbc.carolinanature.com   28/10/2019   The Chapel Hill Bird Club is for everyone who loves wild birds. Whether you watch birds in your yard or travel to ends of the earth for rarities, our club offers something for you: access to like-minded people including experts who can answer your questions, interesting programs, weekly field trips, Christmas and spring bird counts, and a Facebook group.

chriscolose.wordpress.com   31/03/2019

climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide   31/05/2017

climatechangeeducation.org/science/index.html   31/03/2019

climatechangereconsidered.org   29/10/2019   The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to present a comprehensive, authoritative, and realistic assessment of the science and economics of global warming.

climatephys.org   31/03/2019

climatesight.org   31/03/2019

cohabiter.ch   07/01/2015

conservamerica.org   31/03/2019

css.snre.umich.edu   18/03/2015

culanth.org   17/02/2017   Cultural Anthropology (print ISSN 0886-7356; online ISSN 1548-1360) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. Established in 1986, the journal publishes four issues per year and is widely abstracted and indexed.

cwel.usu.edu   21/12/2019

cybele.bu.edu   30/12/2014

daarruud.home.xs4all.nl   21/05/2014

danks.netfirms.com   09/04/2020   The Wildlife and Nature Photography of Terry Danks and Jo Sanzalone. Hummingbird photography. Also photography of other wild birds and animals, of Alaska, The Yukon and Atlantic Canada. Also of the Gettysburg battlefield and some old railroad locomotives.

darwin-online.org.uk   13/01/2020   Darwin ever published. It is probably the most extensive scholarly website devoted to any historical figure. This website contains over 212,000 pages of searchable text and 220,000 electronic images, at least one exemplar of all known Darwin publications, reproduced to the highest scholarly standards, both as searchable text and electronic images of the originals.

data.giss.nasa.gov   02/09/2019

datazone.birdlife.org/home   01/02/2020

de.hortipedia.com/wiki/Hauptseite   11/11/2019   Willkommen bei hortipedia. In unserer Datenbank können Sie Pflanzen nach Blütenfarbe, Blütezeit, Wuchshöhe und vielen weiteren Kriterien suchen. Aktuell enthält die Datenbank Einträge über 32149 Pflanzen.

deepclimate.org   31/03/2019

digitalnaturalhistory.com/index.html   29/05/2015   A Digital Natural History of Newfoundland and Labrador. Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador. Vascular Plants. Provincial Museum [Newfoundland and Labrador]. Open Image Dossier. Virtual Resources.

dinets.info   12/04/2017

dinets.info/wildcats.htm   12/04/2017

dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com   31/03/2019

dothemath.ucsd.edu   31/03/2019

dps.plants.ox.ac.uk/ofi   13/02/2016   Oxford Forestry Institute. Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford. As a consequence of major changes in structures and financing within the University the Oxford Forestry Institute has been fully incorporated into the Department of Plant Sciences.

dwrcdc.nr.utah.gov/ucdc   12/04/2017

dwrcdc.nr.utah.gov/ucdc/ViewReports/plantrpt.htm   12/04/2017