www.e _ www.i - (176 links).

www.eaam.org 19/10/2016 The European Association for Aquatic Mammals abbreviated as “EAAM.” was formed as an interest group in 1972 at a meeting in the Netherlands. In August 2012 a non-profit Association, with same name was established, with its head office located in Brussels, Belgium.

www.earth.columbia.edu 31/03/2019

www.earth-policy.org 09/09/2015

www.earth-policy.org/Indicators 09/09/2015

www.earthscape.org 14/06/2014

www.earthscene.com 14/06/2014

www.earthteam.net 21/06/2015

www.easterbrook.ca/steve 31/03/2019

www.ebnitalia.it 28/05/2014 Quaderni di birdwatching, la rivista dell'associazione EBN Italia: 88 pagine tutte a colori, a pubblicazione quadrimestrale è la più nota rivista dedicata all’argomento in lingua italiana! Articoli di viaggio, identificazione, rarità, fotografia e turismo naturalistico.

www.ecobooks.com 11/05/2014

www.ecobooks.com/authors/snyder.htm 11/05/2014

www.ecobooks.com/catalogs/energy.htm 11/05/2014

www.ecobooks.com/catalogs/history.htm 11/05/2014

www.ecoearthwalk.ca 01/10/2017

www.ecoiq.com 12/10/2016

www.ecojustice.ca 12/10/2016

www.ecolabenergies.fr 12/10/2016

www.ecolandscaping.org 28/10/2019 Ecological Landscape Alliance. Since its founding in 1992, the Ecological Landscape Alliance has been a leader in promoting sustainable approaches to landscape design, construction, and management.

www.ecole-herboristerie.com 12/10/2016

www.ecovote.org 10/03/2015

www.ecowas.int 10/03/2015

www.eco-web.com 10/03/2015

www.eco-web.com/reg/05221.html 10/03/2015

www.eco-web.com/reg/05532.html 10/03/2015

www.ecowin.com 10/03/2015

www.ecowise.com 10/03/2015

www.ecoworld.com 10/03/2015

www.ecoworld.com/pollution 10/03/2015

www.ecoworld.com/products 10/03/2015

www.ed.ac.uk/geosciences 19/03/2017 The School of GeoSciences has been identified by the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 assessment as having the UK's greatest concentration of excellent researchers in its subject areas.

www.eea.europa.eu 17/02/2020 The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union, whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. The EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policymaking agents and the public.

www.ehleague.org 03/03/2019

www.eldis.org/biodiversity 24/11/2014

www.energiesosfutur.org 22/06/2015

www.energies-renouvelables.org 22/06/2015

www.energiestiftung.ch 22/06/2015

www.energizeinc.com 22/06/2015

www.energytrendsinsider.com 31/03/2019

www.enn.com 15/09/2016 The Environmental News Network (ENN) is one of the oldest, and most unbiased sources of online environmental news on the web. ENN has consistently earned the loyalty of the most respected insiders like the heads of sustainability at Fortune 500 companies, government leaders or leaders of the largest non-profits.

www.envirolink.org 09/09/2014

www.environmentalbiotechnology.pl/eb_dzialy/eb_online/online_eb_edition.htm 16/09/2018 Environmental Biotechnology deals with preservation and restoration of fauna, flora, and their environment.

www.environmentvoters.org 12/12/2014

www.eoearth.org 16/12/2015 The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. The EoE is a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work.

www.eol.org 03/04/2017 The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) began in 2007 with the bold idea to provide “a webpage for every species." EOL brings together trusted information from resources across the world such as museums, learned societies, expert scientists, and others into one massive database and a single, easy-to-use online portal at EOL.

www.epa.gov 22/03/2020 United States Environmental Protection Agency. US EPA.

www.epa.gov/border2020 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/dwstandardsregulations 01/09/2019 Drinking Water Contaminants – Standards and Regulations. EPA identifies contaminants to regulate in drinking water to protect public health. The Agency sets regulatory limits for the amounts of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. These contaminant standards are required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).

www.epa.gov/dwstandardsregulations/perchlorate-drinking-water 01/09/2019 Perchlorate in Drinking Water.

www.epa.gov/environmental-topics 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/gmi 19/03/2017

www.epa.gov/iaq-schools 19/03/2017

www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/links-and-resources-related-indoor-air-quality 19/03/2017

www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/publications-about-indoor-air-quality 20/03/2019 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Publications about Indoor Air Quality. The publications are grouped into categories, descriptions are included. Some publications are available as both HTML and PDF files.

www.epa.gov/laws-regulations 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/regulations 21/09/2016

www.epa.gov/learn-issues/learn-about-air 21/09/2016

www.epa.gov/learn-issues/learn-about-chemicals-and-toxics 21/09/2016

www.epa.gov/learn-issues/learn-about-health-and-safety 21/09/2016

www.epa.gov/lmop 19/03/2017

www.epa.gov/mercury 02/05/2019 Mercury. In June 2018, EPA published in the Federal Register a final rule to require reporting from persons who manufacture (including import) mercury or mercury-added products, or otherwise intentionally use mercury in a manufacturing process.

www.epa.gov/mold 02/05/2019 Mold. Molds are part of the natural environment, and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Mold is not usually a problem, unless it begins growing indoors. The best way to control mold growth is to control moisture. This website provides guidance about mold and moisture for homes, schools, multifamily and commercial buildings. Molds can have a big impact on indoor air quality.

www.epa.gov/mtbe 05/04/2014

www.epa.gov/multimedia 05/04/2014

www.epa.gov/myenvironment 05/04/2014

www.epa.gov/nationaldialogue 05/04/2014

www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/effects 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/recycle 15/02/2019

www.epa.gov/reg-flex 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/regulation-biotechnology-under-tsca-and-fifra 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/regulatory-information-topic 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/remedytech 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/research-grants 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/safepestcontrol 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/sap 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/schools 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/science-and-technology 21/09/2016

www.epa.gov/smartgrowth 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/smartway 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/students 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/students/lesson-plans-teacher-guides-and-online-environmental-resources-educators 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/sunsafety 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/superfund 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/superfund/superfund-national-priorities-list-npl 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/sustainability 03/03/2019

www.epa.gov/waterdata 01/09/2019 Water Data and Tools. Discover how data and tools help EPA protect and restore our waters to ensure that they are drinkable, fishable and swimmable. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

www.epa.gov/waterdata/surf-your-watershed 03/03/2019

www.erf.org 19/07/2014 The Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation is a private, nonprofit non partisan organization. The Federation was created in 1971, when the members of two older, regionally-based estuarine research societies (AERS and NEERS) decided that a national organization was needed to address estuarine and coastal issues more broadly.

www.erowid.org/plants 01/07/2015

www.ethnobotanicals.com 20/09/2015

www.ethnobotanysource.com 20/09/2015

www.eunops.org 18/06/2018

www.eurekalert.org 31/03/2019

www.euronatur.org 17/02/2020 Euro Natur Stiftung. Naturschutz in Europa. Schutz von Wildtieren und ihren Lebensräumen: Wir engagieren uns für die Verbindung von Menschen und Natur in einem friedlichen Europa – über Grenzen hinweg.

www.evergreen-foundation.com 14/06/2014

www.eweb.unex.es/eweb/botanica 09/02/2016 Botánica.

www.explorebiodiversity.com 17/08/2019 Explore Biodiversity is a 501-C3 non-profit company started in 2003 by a small group of graduate science students. Everyone who works with Explore Biodiversity is both a trained scientist and an educator. As educators in science we saw the need for good, fun videos that can be utilized directly in the classroom by teachers.

www.fairchildgarden.org 26/09/2015

www.fao.org/home/en 11/01/2015 Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts - to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy.

www.fcpn.org 26/09/2015

www.fieldmuseum.org 16/04/2017 The Field Museum was primarily an outgrowth of the World’s Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893. The first published suggestion that a museum should be formed as a result of the exposition was, in the opinion of Frederick J.V. Skiff, first Director of the Museum, an article by Professor F.W. Putnam in the Chicago Tribune of May 31, 1890.

www.first-nature.com 05/04/2014 British, European wildflowers, fungi, wildlife identification: books, birds, insects, fish, trees, flowers, reptiles, amphibians; nature reserves.

www.first-nature.com/birds/index.php 05/04/2014 An illustrated guide to more than 70 wild birds of Britain's mountains, lowlands, rivers, lakes and shores, plus a selection of beautiful birds from other parts of the world.

www.floridaplants.com 1/1/2020 Florida Plants Native and Exotic. Professionally compiled information about the plants and plant habitats of Florida. Presenting easy access to the most frequently sought after Florida plant, garden and landscape information.

www.forest.ula.ve/~rubenhg/glosario 11/01/2015 El Libro de Botánica te ofrece un Glosario Compost - Abono Orgánico, que esperamos sea de tú utilidad. Gracias por visitarnos...

www.forest.ula.ve/~rubenhg/vegetacion 28/04/2014 Venezuela tiene una superficie terrestre de 916.445 Km2. De este total corresponden 1.270 Km2 a las islas venezolanas del Mar Caribe. Está situada entre el ecuador y los 12° 12‘ de latitud norte, en el Cabo San Román de la península de Paraguaná, mientras que el país se extiende entre los meridianos 59° 47‘ y 73° 23‘ de longitud oeste.

www.forestry-suppliers.com 11/01/2015 Forestry Suppliers, Inc, online store features thousands of quality forestry, agricultural, horticultural, grounds maintenance, educational, surverying/engineering, and environmental products.

www.fotografiaybiodiversidad.org 04/12/2017

www.fotonatura.org 19/10/2016 Fotonatura es un web independiente creado en enero de 2000 por un grupo de fotógrafos de la naturaleza integrantes del Foro Hispano de Fotografía de Naturaleza, con el objetivo de servir de punto de encuentro para los fotógrafos de la naturaleza de habla hispana.

www.fotonatura.org/galerias 11/01/2015 Bienvenido a Fotonatura.org, web del Foro Hispano de Fotografía de Naturaleza de la comunidad virtual de los fotógrafos de naturaleza de habla hispana.

www.funghiitaliani.it 23/06/2018 Funghi in Italia. Fiori in Italia. Forum Micologia e Botanica.

www.funghiitaliani.it/botanica/indice.html 23/06/2018 Indice principali argomenti botanici. Amint, associazione, micologica, italiana, naturalistica, telematica.

www.funghiitaliani.it/micologia/indice.html 23/06/2018 Glossario Illustrato A.M.I.N.T. - Enciclopedia Micologica. Amint, associazione, micologica, italiana, naturalistica, telematica.

www.fungimag.com 06/09/2014

www.fws.gov/endangered 11/01/2015 Endangered Species Program, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

www.galleries.com/Minerals_By_Name 17/01/2015 Minerals by Name.

www.galleryofbirds.com 01/07/2014

www.gardenbythesea.org 19/07/2014

www.gbif.org 02/09/2019

www.geobotany.uaf.edu 31/03/2018 The Alaska Geobotany Center (AGC) is dedicated to understanding northern ecosystems through the use of geographic information systems, remote sensing, field experiments, and cooperative team research projects.

www.geobotany.uaf.edu/cavm 31/03/2018 Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Project. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) project is an international effort to map the vegetation and associated characteristics of the circumpolar region, using a common base map. The base map is a false color infrared image created from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data.

www.geobotany.uaf.edu/library 31/03/2018 Alaska Geobotany Center Library.

www.gesneriadsociety.org 03/09/2018 Welcome to The Gesneriad Society and our website. I hope that you will enjoy your visit! The site is always being improved so, if you find a link that doesn’t work, or a page that doesn’t load, let me know. The Gesneriad Society is an all-volunteer international society devoted to the identification, culture, propagation, and conservation of gesneriads.

www.gfy.ku.dk/~iag 25/12/2014

www.globalchange.gov 05/03/2018

www.globalchange.gov/climate-change 05/03/2018

www.globalchange.gov/explore 05/03/2018

www.globalchange.gov/news 05/03/2018

www.gpsinnovations.com 11/01/2015 Welcome to the Svoboda Ecological Resources and GPS Innovations web site. It is our goal to provide you with quality environmental, digital aerial imaging, GPS, and GIS services. Please select from the above icons to learn more about our company and our services.

www.grida.no 11/03/2018 GRID-Arendal was established in 1989 to support environmentally sustainable development by working with UN Environment and other partners. We communicate environmental knowledge that strengthens management capacity and motivates decision-makers to act.

www.grida.no/news 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/publications/177 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/publications/183 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/publications/184 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/publications/185 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/resources/types/graphic 12/03/2018

www.grida.no/resources/types/photo 12/03/2018

www.gull-research.org 21/05/2014

www.gull-research.org/heuglini-id 21/05/2014

www.gygis.com 11/01/2015 Phillip Colla is a natural history photographer, videographer and writer specializing in wild marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals), remote islands of the eastern Pacific and the California kelp forest. This site displays several hundred examples of his work.

www.hawkmountain.org 09/01/2015 Located along the Appalachian Flyway in east-central Pennsylvania, scenic Hawk Mountain Sanctuary offers visitors an outstanding, year-round nature experience with its mountaintop vistas, 8 miles of hiking trails, and thrilling autumnal raptor migration.

www.haziensarea.org 07/10/2015

www.hear.org/species 30/11/2014

www.heardmuseum.org 30/11/2014

www.hearingconservation.org 30/11/2014

www.heartland.org/index.html 03/01/2018

www.heatisonline.org 31/03/2019

www.henriettes-herb.com 28/02/2020

www.henriettes-herb.com/eclectic/index.html 28/02/2020

www.henriettes-herb.com/plants.html 28/02/2020

www.herbs.org/herbnews 09/09/2014

www.hiddenforest.co.nz 19/07/2014

www.hiddenforest.co.nz/fungi 19/07/2014

www.hiddenforest.co.nz/index.htm 27/04/2017

www.hww.ca/en/index.html 07/10/2017

www.iacseaturtle.org 26/04/2019 Convención Interamericana para la Protección y Conservación de las Tortugas Marinas (CIT). En 1994, reconociendo la naturaleza regional de las amenazas a la supervivencia de las tortugas marinas, los países del Hemisferio Occidental iniciaron un esfuerzo de colaboración para negociar un acuerdo por el futuro de esta especie.

www.iag-aig.org 25/12/2014

www.ibiologia.unam.mx/cipamex/index.htm 27/05/2014

www.ibz.ethz.ch 21/09/2016

www.ice.ucdavis.edu/bioinventory/bioinventory.html 09/04/2017

www.ice.ucdavis.edu/bioinventory/html/collab.html 09/04/2017

www.ice.ucdavis.edu/mab 09/04/2017

www.ice.ucdavis.edu/nrpi/home.aspx 09/04/2017

www.iczn.org 23/02/2020 The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) acts as adviser and arbiter for the zoological community by generating and disseminating information on the correct use of the scientific names of animals. The ICZN is responsible for producing the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature - a set of rules for the naming of animals and the resolution of nomenclatural problems.

www.iisd.org 16/01/2020 The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an award-winning independent think tank championing solutions to our planet’s greatest sustainability challenges. Our vision is a balanced world where people and the planet thrive; our mission is to accelerate solutions that drive a global transition to fair economies, clean water and a stable climate.

www.iisd.org/sd 22/06/2014 The International Institute for Sustainable Development is a Canadian-based, international public policy research institute for sustainable development. Since it was first articulated in the Brundtland Commission’s Our Common Future in 1987, sustainable development has never been superseded by a more compelling or universally-acceptable expression of humanity’s shared goals.

www.ingenieriadelagua.com 18/07/2018

www.inkstain.net/fleck 31/03/2019

www.ipcc.ch/reports 31/03/2019

www.ipccfacts.org 31/03/2019

www.ipni.org 15/02/2020 International Plant Names Index, (IPNI). IPNI provides nomenclatural information (spelling, author, types and first place and date of publication) for the scientific names of Vascular Plants from Family down to infraspecific ranks.

www.isecoeco.org 01/10/2017

www.ittiofauna.org 29/06/2018 Sito ufficiale dell'Associazione ICHTHYOS. Una galleria completa di tutti i vertebrati europei, realizzata per far meglio apprezzare e rispettare la biodiversità del nostro territorio. Finalità del museo è creare uno spazio dove scambiare informazioni ed esperienze legate al mondo della zoologia ed alle discipline ad essa correlate.

www.iucn.org 18/06/2018

www.iufro.org/iufro 21/12/2014