www.o _ www.s - (113 links).

www.oceaneyephoto.com 11/03/2019

www.oceanwanderers.com 21/05/2014

www.oeco.org.br 05/06/2017

www.ofo.ca 10/09/2019 Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) is dedicated to the study of bird life in Ontario. It was formed in 1982 to unify the growing numbers of field ornithologists across the province and to provide a forum for ideas and information among its members, who now number over 1,000. OFO was incorporated in 1987.

www.oikosjournal.org 19/06/2018 Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology, defined as organism-environment interactions at various spatiotemporal scales, so including macroecology and evolutionary ecology. Emphasis is on theoretical and empirical work aimed at generalization and synthesis across taxa, systems and ecological disciplines.

www.oikosoffice.org 11/04/2019 Oikos Editorial Office is an autonomous publishing foundation located at the Department of Biology, Lund university. We publish a number of journals in biology and ecology on behalf of learned societies. Click on the journal to visit the website for each journal with accepted papers, early views, articles, twitter feeds and appendices.

www.omao.noaa.gov 28/10/2019 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) manages and operates NOAA's fleet of 16 research and survey ships and nine aircraft.

www.onrockgarden.com 29/05/2019

www.onrockgarden.com/germination-guide/plants 29/05/2019

www.onrockgarden.com/page/journal-month 29/05/2019

www.ontarionature.org 22/11/2017

www.ontarionature.org/connect/blog 22/11/2017

www.ontarionature.org/discover/resources/resources.php 22/11/2017

www.ontarionature.org/protect/habitat/index.php 22/11/2017

www.ontarionature.org/protect/index.php 22/11/2017

www.ontarionature.org/protect/species/breeding_bird_atlas.php 22/11/2017

www.openspace.org 09/09/2014 The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's purpose is to purchase, permanently protect, and restore lands forming a regional open space greenbelt, preserve unspoiled wilderness, wildlife habitat, watershed, viewshed, and fragile ecosystems, and provide opportunities for low-intensity recreation and environmental education.

www.orientalbirdclub.org 28/10/2019 The Oriental Bird Club is for birders and ornithologists around the world who are interested in birds of the Oriental region and their conservation. Over 300 Oriental bird species are considered by BirdLife International as threatened by forest destruction, wetland drainage, hunting and trade. Conservation of these species is often hampered by a lack of knowledge.

www.ornithologen-thueringen.de 22/03/2020 Verein Thüringer Ornithologen e.V. Der VTO wurde am 15.12.90 im Haus Dacheröden in Erfurt gegründet. Damals wie heute verfolgt der VTO das Ziel, die Vogelkunde und den Vogelschutz in Thüringen auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage zu fördern. Daher gehört das Vogelmonitoring zu seinen wichtigsten Aufgaben.

www.ornitologia.org/ca 22/03/2020 L'Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO) és una associació que es dedica a l’estudi i seguiment dels ocells i els seus hàbitats amb l’objectiu d’obtenir informació sòlida i imparcial que contribueixi significativament en les polítiques de conservació de la biodiversitat.

www.osnabirds.org 29/04/2014 Ornithological Societies of North America (OSNA) is the joint membership and billing service of the American Ornithologists' Union, Association of Field Ornithologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, Raptor Research Foundation, Waterbird Society and Wilson Ornithological Society.

www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/ben 17/04/2019 Ben Archive. Botanical Electronic News Issn 1188-603x.

www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/bot-linx/subject 17/04/2019 Scott's Botanical Links. Subject Index (1863 links to date - February, 1996 to present). This index has all of the sites that I have featured, from 1996 to the present. It was last updated on: Sunday, 11-Apr-2010 21:52:31 CDT.

www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/faculty/uno-book.shtml 17/04/2019 Handbook on Teaching Undergraduate Science Courses: A Survival Training Manual. Gordon E. Uno. Department of Botany and Microbiology. University of Oklahoma.

www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/idb-alpha 17/04/2019 The Internet Directory of Botany is an index to botanical information available on the Internet, compiled by Anthony R. Brach), Raino Lampinen, Shunguo Liu and Keith McCree.

www.palms.org 18/06/2018

www.palmweb.org 01/03/2020 Palmweb is an authoritative source of information about palms, one of the most important plant families in the world. It contains data compiled by palm diversity experts for all 2,608 palm species and 185 genera. Palms are among the most charismatic plants in the world.

www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=430 24/04/2014

www.pastglobalchanges.org 31/03/2019

www.peg.ethz.ch 21/09/2016

www.pelargonium.si 04/05/2019 This site is dedicated to pelargonium species (Pelargonium L.). Each species page ideally contains a photograph of the species in its natural environment or in cultivation, a b&w scan of a typical leaf in cultvation, a colour photograph of a typical flower, and occasionally a historic illustration of the species.

www.pik-potsdam.de 30/12/2014

www.pilzepilze.de 19/03/2017 Pilze, Pilzfotos, Pilz-Forum. Die die meisten Menschen wohl am meisten interessierende Eigenschaft der verschiedenen Pilze ist ihre Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit.

www.pilzepilze.de/galerie/v/Lateinisch/B/bulgaria/inquinans 30/12/2013

www.pilzepilze.de/galerie/v/Lateinisch/C/calocera 19/03/2017 Calocera. Kleine Gattung der Gallertpilze (Hemibasidiomyzeten). Saprophytisch auf Holz.

www.pilzepilze.de/galerie/v/Lateinisch/C/ciboria/amentacea 30/12/2013

www.pilzepilze.de/galerie/v/Lateinisch/C/clathrus/archeri 30/12/2013

www.pilzepilze.de/galerie/v/Lateinisch/C/creolophus/cirrhatus 12/03/2018 Pilze: Pilzgalerie. Creolophus. Creolophus cirrhatus.

www.pinetum.org 25/12/2014

www.pinetum.org/Lovett 25/12/2014

www.planetfriendly.net 07/10/2015 People and Planet is a unique gateway to environment, sustainability and conservation, across Canada and beyond. We provide Canada's largest green events calendar; Canada's most popular and effective green job listings; plus a growing number of green volunteer listings.

www.plantasyhongos.es/glosario/glosario.htm 29/05/2017 Plantas y Hongos. Glosario.

www.plantasyhongos.es/herbarium/index.htm 26/04/2017 Herbarium.

www.plantecology.ethz.ch 21/09/2016

www.plantsindex.com 30/12/2015

www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao 12/01/2016 The TAO array (renamed the TAO/TRITON array on 1 January 2000) consists of approximately 70 moorings in the Tropical Pacific Ocean, telemetering oceanographic and meteorological data to shore in real-time via the Argos satellite system.

www.pnas.org 22/11/2019 PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, publishing more than 3,200 research papers annually.

www.pnas.org/content/by/year 22/11/2019

www.pohanginapete.blogspot.com 30/08/2014 Pete lives in the Pohangina Valley, Aotearoa/New Zealand ("paw-HAHng-in-ah" is a close enough pronunciation) and writes about mountains, climbing, photography, wildlife and natural history, people, travelling, thinking, life in general and a swag of other stuff.

www.pointblue.org 22/02/2015

www.population-ecology.jp 04/06/2014

www.populationecology.org 04/06/2014

www.pronaturaleza.org 13/12/2014 Fundación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza fue creada en 1984 y es una organización privada sin fines de lucro, dedicada a la conservación y protección del medioambiente en el Perú.

www.proyectoavutarda.mncn.csic.es 22/12/2016 La Avutarda Común es una de las aves de mayor tamaño de Europa y la especie voladora más pesada del mundo. Sus poblaciones, que antaño ocupaban las estepas euroasiáticas, sobreviven hoy en determinadas áreas de cultivo extensivo de cereal. Muchas de ellas se encuentran amenazadas por transformaciones agrícolas, desa- rrollo urbanístico y expansión de infraestructuras.

www.pwrc.usgs.gov 29/05/2017 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center--Mission.

www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbl 29/05/2017 Bird banding is a universal and indispensable technique for studying the movement, survival and behavior of birds. The North American Bird Banding Program is jointly administered by the United States Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service. Their respective banding offices have similar functions and policies and use the same bands, reporting forms and data formats.

www.qcbirdclub.org 25/04/2014

www.quebecoiseaux.org 14/04/2014 Fondé en 1981, le Regroupement QuébecOiseaux (auparavant l'Association québécoise des groupes d'ornithologues) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui regroupe et représente les personnes et les organismes intéressés à l'étude, à l'observation et à la protection des oiseaux du Québec.

www.rbg.vic.gov.au 22/03/2020 Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Discover the rare and beautiful plants, breathtaking landscapes and iconic buildings on offer at our gardens located in Melbourne & Cranbourne. Find out what’s on in our event calendar, about our extraordinary attractions and the education programs on offer.

www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au 21/08/2014

www.realclimate.org 31/03/2019

www.restoration-resources.net 25/12/2014

www.restorationsystems.com 25/12/2014

www.restore.org/index_flash.html 25/12/2014

www.rgs.org/HomePage.htm 19/03/2017 The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the UK's learned society and professional body for geography, founded in 1830. We are a world leader in advancing geography and supporting its practitioners in the UK and across the world.

www.rivernetwork.org 16/04/2015

www.riveroaksgardenclub.org/site 16/04/2015

www.rjb.csic.es/jardinbotanico/jardin 19/03/2017 El Real Jardín Botánico es un Instituto de Investigación perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas desde 1939 y tiene la singularidad de ser al mismo tiempo un Jardín Botánico. Desde su creación ha llevado a cabo las funciones básicas propias de todos los jardines botánicos: investigación, conservación y educación.

www.rmbphotographics.com 30/09/2015 Welcome to the galleries of Richard and Gail Buquoi. We specialize in Nature Photography, especially birds. All images are available in both TIFF (16 bit) and JPEG formats. Please contact us if you don't find an image in the format you are interested in.

www.rmh.uwyo.edu 30/09/2015 The RM Herbarium is an essential resource for education, research, and public service. RM also includes the National Herbarium of the U. S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Wilhelm G. Solheim Mycological Herbarium (RMS). The RM Herbarium was founded in 1893 by Aven Nelson. It has since grown to over 800,000 specimens with approximately 25,000 new specimens added each year.

www.routledge.com/sustainability 14/06/2014

www.rrapier.com 31/03/2019

www.rspb.org.uk 11/04/2014

www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/green-sandpiper 29/06/2018 Green sandpiper. Scientific name: Tringa ochropus. The green sandpiper is a very contrasting wader which looks like a large house martin in flight. Its dark, almost black upperparts, pale underparts and white rump are distinctive.

www.rspb.org.uk/webcams 11/04/2014

www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/b/bartailedgodwit 11/04/2014

www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/p/peregrine 11/04/2014

www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/p/pinkfootedgoose 11/04/2014

www.sanidadambiental.com 30/05/2014

www.scec.org/earthquakes 29/08/2014

www.scisoftware.com 27/05/2017 Scientific Software Group (SSG) is an international leader in providing state-of-the-art software for environmental and water-resources engineers. SSG provides environmental software, groundwater software, groundwater modeling software, surfacewater software, air pollution software, geotechnical software, borehole logging software and more!

www.seadocsociety.org 23/02/2015

www.seaturtle.org 26/04/2019 Initially created as "Turtle Tidings" in 1996, SEATURTLE was founded out of a desire to support research and conservation efforts in the sea turtle community.

www.seaturtle.org/mtn 26/04/2019 The Marine Turtle Newsletter is published quarterly (January, April, July, October) and distributed free of charge to over 110 nations and territories. Started two decades ago, it remains the only periodical of its kind.

www.seaturtle.org/mtrg 26/04/2019 Welcome to the home-page of the Marine Turtle Research Group (MTRG) - a group of professional scientists and student volunteers dedicated to undertaking fundamental and applied research on marine turtles whilst supporting local capacity building and environmental awareness efforts necessary for successful conservation.

www.seedquest.com 28/07/2014

www.senckenberg.de/de 05/12/2019 Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung wurde bereits 1817 von engagierten Frankfurter Bürgern als Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft gegründet. Heute ist sie eine der wichtigsten Forschungseinrichtungen rund um die biologische Vielfalt und mit dem Frankfurter Haus eines der größten Naturkundemuseen Europas.

www.sepp.org 03/01/2018

www.ser.org 09/09/2014 The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) is a non-profit organization comprised of individuals and partner organizations from around the world who are actively engaged in the repair and recovery of degraded ecosystems utilizing a broad array of experiences, knowledge sets, and cultural perspectives.

www.setac.org 27/12/2014 SETAC is a not-for-profit, global professional organization comprised of some 5,500 individual members and institutions from academia, business and government.

www.sfei.org 18/06/2014

www.sfei.org/bioinvasions 18/06/2014

www.shakuhachi.com 05/07/2016 Shakuhachi-Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flutes. Traditional Musical Instruments of Japan used for zen Buddhist meditation, classical, jazz & folk music. Complete resource for shakuhachi, the traditional Japanese bamboo flute including instruments, playing guides, craft manuals, book, sheet music, recordings, teacher directory, bamboo and flutes around the world.

www.shakuhachi.com/TOC-Bamboo.html 05/07/2016 Bamboo Resources.

www.sibagu.com/china/index.html 02/08/2014 Glossary of Bird names of China, in Chinese (Mainland and Taiwan), English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Mongolian.

www.smedesphoto.com/wildflowers.htm 10/09/2018 Ty Smedes Nature Photography. Wildflowers. A lifelong interest in nature and wildlife led to the purchase of my first 35mm camera, in 1980. As a hunter, I loved being in the field, and the camera allowed me to be there, during all times of the year.

www.social-ecology.org 21/08/2014

www.social-ecology.org/global-allies-links 21/08/2014

www.social-ecology.org/learn 21/08/2014

www.spezbot.uni-jena.de 18/03/2015

www.spezbot.uni-jena.de/botanischer-garten 18/03/2015

www.spezbot.uni-jena.de/herbarium 18/03/2015

www.spezbot.uni-jena.de/plant-biodiversity 18/03/2015

www.spezbot.uni-jena.de/spezielle-botanik 18/03/2015

www.sulambiental.com.br 20/10/2016

www.surfbirds.com 21/05/2014

www.surfbirds.com/cgi-bin/surfbirds/display.cgi?list=list1 10/07/2014

www.surfbirds.com/ID%20Articles/casp.html 21/05/2014

www.surfbirds.com/ID%20Articles/YLGs1.htm 21/05/2014

www.surfbirds.com/rankings.html 10/07/2014

www.surfbirds.com/Sketchbook/skindex.html 10/07/2014

www.suzannebrulotte.com 03/05/2014 Les oiseaux de chez nous par Suzanne Brûlotte. Auteure et photographe.

www.swsbm.com/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html 29/09/2015 The SouthWest School Botanical Medicine (Bisbee, Arizona), continues to offer distance learning programs that represent Michael Moore's herbal wisdom and the unique knowledge he accumulated during three decades of teaching and a lifetime of studying medicinal plants.