www.0 _ www.d - (135 links).

www.10000birds.com   20/10/2016   10,000 Birds. Birding, blogging, conservation, and commentary. Birding, nature, conservation, and the wide, wide world.

www.19thcenturyscience.org   18/11/2017

www.2020site.org/trees/linden.html   26/08/2018

www.4apes.com   02/11/2015   Ian Redmond is a tropical field biologist and conservationist, renowned for his work with great apes and elephants. For more than 30 years he has been associated with Mountain Gorillas, through research, filming, tourism and conservation work. Ian founded Ape Alliance in 1996 to encourage conservation organisations to work together.

www.aaar.org   28/04/2020   The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) is a nonprofit professional organization for scientists and engineers who wish to promote and communicate technical advances in the field of aerosol research.

www.abc.botanic.hr/index.php/abc   06/11/2019   The journal Acta Botanica Croatica is the traditional botanical journal of southern Europe. The interest of the journal is field (terrestrial and aquatic) and experimental botany (including microorganisms: plant viruses, bacteria, unicelullar algae), from the subcellular level to ecosystems.

www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/science/watchlist/index.html   06/06/2014

www.abls.org   25/03/2015   The American Bryological and Lichenological Society was founded in 1898. It is an organization devoted to the scientific study of all aspects of the biology of bryophytes and lichen-forming fungi and is one of the nation's oldest botanical organizations. Membership is open to all persons (professionals and amateurs) with interest in these organisms.

www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/climatechange   31/03/2019

www.aceytuno.com   04/07/2019

www.aceytuno.com/category/diccionario-aceytuno-de-la-naturaleza   04/07/2019

www.achate.at   27/04/2020   Faszination. Achat und Jaspis.

www.actionbioscience.org   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/biodiversity/plotkin.html   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/education   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/education/hershey3.html   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/evolution   14/09/2016     

www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/dacks.html   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/eldredge.html   14/09/2016

www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/nhmag.html   14/09/2016

www.africanbirdclub.org   17/08/2019   African Bird Club: Birds, birding, birdwatching, conservation and travel in Africa.

www.africanplants.senckenberg.de/root/index.php   23/03/2020   African Plants. A Photo Guide. This interactive photographic guide shall help you to identify higher plants from Africa (excluding Madagascar). It contains images of ferns and seed plants usually taken in the field. You can browse through a taxonomic hierarchy and / or search according to selected characters you observe on your plant.

www.agric.gov.ab.ca/app21/rtw/index.jsp   20/10/2016   Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

www.agriorganics.com   08/01/2015

www.allaboutbirds.org/news   22/03/2020   Online bird guide, bird ID help, life history, bird sounds from Cornell. All About Birds.

www.altitude.org/air_pressure.php   16/09/2017

www.altitude.org/home.php   16/09/2017

www.amazonia.org/pt/index.htm   25/03/2015   Desenvolvimento sustentável,Saúde, Instrução, Biodiversìdade, Conservação, Ecologia, Permacultura, Pesquisa na reserva Xixuaú-Xiparinã, na região do Rio Jauaperí e em Amazônia no general.

www.amerfernsoc.org   05/12/2019

www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams   31/03/2019

www.anbg.gov.au   15/02/2020   Australian National Botanic Gardens. Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR). The Australian National Botanic Gardens, on the lower slopes of Black Mountain in Canberra, has the world’s most comprehensive display of living Australian native plants. The Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) includes the Australian National Herbarium.

www.anbg.gov.au/cpbr/herbarium   09/11/2017   Herbaria are collections of preserved plant and fungal specimens and their associated data. They are concerned primarily with scientific research and documenting the vast diversity of plant and fungal life. The Australian National Herbarium arose from the amalgamation over the years of several herbaria managed by the Commonwealth Government.

www.anbg.gov.au/gardens   01/11/2015   The Australian National Botanic Gardens maintains a scientific collection of native plants from all parts of Australia. The plants are displayed for the enjoyment and education of visitors and are used for research into plant classification and biology. A herbarium of preserved plant specimens is closely associated with the living collection.

www.antisnaring.org.uk   28/10/2017   The National Anti Snaring Campaign (NASC) is an animal welfare organisation that campaigns against the sale and manufacture of animal snares in the UK. The NASC was founded following outrage at badger snaring incidents on the Goodwood Estate in West Sussex.

www.appropedia.org/Welcome_to_Appropedia   23/11/2017   Appropedia is the site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development through the use of sound principles and appropriate technology and the sharing of wisdom and project information. It is a wiki, a type of website which allows anyone to add, remove, or edit content.

www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca   01/11/2015   Canada's Aquatic Environments was produced by the CyberNatural Software Group at the University of Guelph. We are dedicated to the improvement of educational materials available to schools, postsecondary institutions, and the general public through the use of interactive digital media.

www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/accounts/sandpipe/minutill/account.htm   21/08/2017   Least Sandpiper. Calidris minutilla. Size: L: 15 cm. Wt: 20 g. Males and females are similar. This species is seasonally dimorphic.

www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/accounts/warblers/lincolni/account.htm   21/08/2017   Lincoln's Sparrow. Melospiza lincolnii. Size: L: 15 cm. Wt: 17-18 g. Males and females are similar.

www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/Arctic/Arc_Birds/Anatidae/S_mollissima.htm   21/08/2017   Common Eider. Somateria mollissima. Eider down, the soft feathers used by the female to line her nest is one of the best insulating materials known and is harvested for sleeping bags and quilts. It can be collected without harming either the birds or their eggs, making it a valuable renewable resource.

www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/Arctic/Arc_Birds/Anatidae/S_spectabilis.htm   21/08/2017   King Eider. Somateria spectabilis. According to an old legend, a king eider is simply a common eider whose age and experience have earned it the right to wear a “crown”.

www.asilidae.de   02/04/2018

www.atori.co.jp/birds/dic/Roman_search_birds_noframe.cgi   29/06/2018   World Birds Index. Hepburn Type romaji is available for Japanese birds name. Both capital and small charactors are acceptable. Lists all names including an input search string.

www.austmus.gov.au   27/03/2015

www.austmus.gov.au/animals   27/03/2015

www.austmus.gov.au/Birds   27/03/2015

www.avo.alaska.edu   15/06/2015

www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes   15/06/2015

www.azimuthproject.org/azimuth/show/HomePage   19/03/2020   The Azimuth Project is an international collaboration to create a focal point for scientists and engineers interested in saving the planet. But the very health of the planet is in peril because of the actions of humankind. Whether it is global warming, mass extinction, peak oil, or other problems, we need to be prepared on many fronts for an uncertain future.

www.babelbird.de/babelbirdy.php   28/10/2019   BabelBirdy. Online Vogelnamen Übersetzung. Vogelarten Übersetzung in viele Sprachen.

www.batcon.org   31/01/2020

www.bavarianbirds.net   28/10/2019   Vogelbeobachtung in Bayern und anderes.

www.belfastzoo.co.uk   29/05/2017   Belfast Zoo opened in 1934 and is owned and operated by Belfast City Council. Our 55 acre site is home to 116 species, the majority of which are facing increasing danger in their natural habitats. We carry out vital conservation work, both in Northern Ireland and around the world.

www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0000St.Luistitle.htm   13/08/2016   International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ST LOUIS CODE) adopted by the Sixteenth International Botanical Congress St Louis, Missouri, July-August 1999.

www.bhg.com/gardening/plant-dictionary   17/06/2015

www.billatkinson.com   12/01/2015

www.bioblogia.net   30/10/2019   Bioblogia es la web que me hubiera gustado leer cuando empecé a estudiar biología, allá por principios de siglo. Ahora, después de varios años trabajando como biólogo, intento compartir aquí lo que he terminado aprendiendo a base de darme cabezazos por todo el mundo.

www.biodiversidadvirtual.org   04/12/2017

www.biodiversidadvirtual.org/aves   04/12/2017

www.biodiversitylibrary.org   15/02/2020   The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.

www.biolib.de   17/02/2017   BioLib Online Library of Biological Books. A collection of historic and modern biology books.

www.biologia.edu.ar/botanica   09/01/2016

www.birdlife.fi   28/10/2019   Lintutieteellisten Yhdistysten Liitto (LYL) perustetaan 20.1. Lammin biologisella asemalla. Perustajajäseniä ovat Suomen Lintutieteellinen yhdistys (SLY), Porin Lintutieteellinen Yhdistys, Porvoonseudun lintuyhdistys, Suomenselän lintumiehet, Turun Lintutieteellinen Yhdistys ja Tampereen Lintutieteellinen yhdistys, joissa on jäseniä yhteensä noin 1 500.

www.birdlife.org   28/10/2019   Bird Life is the world leader in Bird Conservation. Rigorous science and projects in important sites and habitats for the conservation of birds and all nature.

www.birdlife.org/worldwide/partnership/birdlife-partners   17/01/2015   Together we are 120 BirdLife Partners worldwide – one per country or territory – and growing. As the world’s largest nature conservation Partnership you can find us from large countries like Canada to small, remote Pacific island states like Palau. Each Partner is an independent not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation or NGO.

www.birdphotos.dk   24/03/2015   Helge Sørensen. Tak for den viste interesse for mine fugle-fotos. Formålet med siden er dels at vise de fuglearter som optræder i Europa og Nordamerika, dels at formidle fuglefotos til diverse kommerciel brug.

www.birds.cornell.edu/bfl/speciesaccts/species_list.html   17/01/2015   Species List. Birds in Forested Landscape.

www.birds.cornell.edu/home   09/04/2020   Cornell Lab of Ornithology—Home. Dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action.

www.birdsofoklahoma.net   28/10/2019   Welcome to Jack Powell's Birds of Oklahoma Web site. Featured on these pages are images of both native and migratory Oklahoma birds. These bird photos are intended to aid in bird identification. We hope you enjoy Jack's bird images and find the birding information at this site to be resourceful and educational.

www.birds-of-prey.org   17/08/2019   The Birds of Prey Foundation’s humble beginnings took place in 1979, when Sigrid Ueblacker, the founder of the Birds of Prey Foundation, was brought an orphaned starling by her daughter, Elke. After raising it, Elke presented her mother with two newly hatched Poorwills that Sigrid raised to adulthood and released at their place of recovery.

www.birdsoftt.com   10/09/2019   Discovering the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago bird identification guide provides hundreds of photographs and images, plus descriptions and information on tropical birds along with added bonus features.

www.birdsontario.org/atlas/index.jsp   10/09/2019   Atlas of the Breeding Bird of Ontario.

www.bird-stamps.org   10/09/2019   Birds of the World on Postage Stamps. Dedicated to birds shown on postage stamps that are indigenous to the issuing country with thousands of images. Includes identification features.

www.birdstrike.org   10/09/2019   Bird Strike Committee USA was formed in 1991 as a forum to facilitate the exchange of information, promote the collection and analysis of accurate wildlife strike data, promote the development of new technologies for reducing wildlife hazards.

www.birds-venezuela.de   11/09/2019   Rolando W. Ruiz hat ursprünglich im Manu Nationalpark in Peru als Ingenieur gearbeitet. In den 80ern reiste er nach Venezuela in die Los Llanos und war so von Fauna, Avifauna und Flora begeistert, dass er in Venezuela geblieben ist. In verschiedenen Hotels, Lodges und Reisebüros hat er jahrelang Erfahrung gesammelt im Tourismus und betreibt heute die Posada Casa Vieja.

www.birdtours.co.uk/tripreports/bahamas/bahamas-2/bahamas-june-2011.htm   24/02/2014

www.bogos.uni-osnabrueck.de   24/03/2015   Der Botanische Garten der Universität Osnabrück zeichnet sich durch eine besondere Lage aus. Die Vielfalt von weltweiten Pflanzengemeinschaften wird im ersten Steinbruch gezeigt.

www.botanica-alb.org   02/04/2015   La Asociación Latinoamericana de Botanica (ALB) se creó como una respuesta a la imperiosa necesidad de incrementar la comunicación y las relaciones de trabajo entre los botánicos de América Latina.

www.botanical-online.com/botanical7.htm   11/07/2015

www.botanischestaatssammlung.de   04/07/2019   In 1813, Maximilian I Joseph von Bayern, King of Bavaria, founded the Botanische Staatssammlung München as an institution to preserve and curate the Royal herbarium. He bought the important collections of the botanist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, a student of Carl von Linné, and later on unified these collections with the herbarium of the University of München.

www.botany.net/IDB   26/02/2020

www.botany.org   07/03/2016   The Botanical Society of America is the home for ALL botanists and plant scientists and supports the breadth and diversity of botanical research and education. We are the leading Society dedicated to botany and its FUTURE.

www.bradlachappelle.com/index2.html   24/03/2015   Brad LaChappelle Online Gallery.

www.brainerd.org   18/02/2015

www.bsc-eoc.org   10/09/2019   Bird Studies Canada is our country’s leading science-based bird conservation organization. Our mission is to conserve wild birds of Canada through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement, and science-based advocacy.

www.bu.edu/earth   29/10/2017

www.budongo.org   28/04/2020   Budongo Conservation Field Station, BCFS. The BCFS was founded by Professor Vernon Reynolds in 1990. At that time it was called the Budongo Forest Project. Prof. Reynolds had first studied chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest in 1962 and written a book about the forest and its chimpanzees (Reynolds 1965).

www.bwca.cc/wildflowers   07/10/2019

www.c2es.org   31/03/2019

www.calflora.org   28/04/2020   Calflora is a website you can use to learn about plants that grow wild in California (both native plants and weeds); and a nonprofit organization responsible for providing this service. Calflora is run by the team described below. Information in Calflora comes from many sources: public agencies, non-profits, scientists, private donors, and you!

www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780511133978   16/09/2018   Nonequilibrium Ecology. Series: Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation. Klaus Rohde, University of New England, Australia.

www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521527262   19/05/2019   Understanding Environmental Pollution. A Primer (2nd Edition). Marquita K. Hill, University of Maine, Orono. Understanding Environmental Pollution systematically introduces pollution issues to students and others with little scientific background.

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/environment-and-development-economics   04/09/2017

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/experimental-agriculture   29/06/2018   Experimental Agriculture. With a focus on the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world, Experimental Agriculture publishes the results of original research on field, plantation and herbage crops grown for food or feed, or for industrial purposes, and on farming systems, including livestock and people.

www.cambridge.org/es/academic/subjects/earth-and-environmental-science/oceanography-and-marine-science/fundamentals-geophysical-fluid-dynamics   09/05/2014

www.canoeplants.com   17/02/2016

www.canoeplants.com/contents.html   17/02/2016

www.carbonbrief.org   31/03/2019

www.cathouse-fcc.org   28/04/2020   EFBC’s Feline Conservation Center. EFBC's Feline Conservation Center is part of a  worldwide network of zoos and facilities dedicated to the preservation of endangered cats. We are involved in cooperative breeding projects with other zoos and facilities throughout the world.

www.cavitynester.org   15/09/2016   CAVNET was established in 1995 to foster scientific discourse concerning cavity-nesting birds. This list has been created for researchers, academics, and others with a common interest in discussing the scientific aspects of cavity-nesting species. The list is moderated by Eric L. Walters to ensure that topics remain focused and to prevent spam from being sent to the list.

www.cbif.gc.ca/eng/species-bank/canadian-poisonous-plants-information-system   23/03/2015   Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System.

www.cec.org   02/09/2018

www.cec.org/our-work/climate-change   03/09/2018

www.cec.org/our-work/ecosystems   03/09/2018

www.cec.org/our-work/green-economy   03/09/2018

www.cec.org/tools-and-resources   03/09/2018

www.cell.com/molecular-plant/home   15/02/2016   Molecular Plant is a Cell Press partnership journal (Press Release). Established in 2008 and sponsored by the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Society of Plant Biology.

www.centralcoastclimatescience.org   31/03/2019

www.centralcoastwilds.com   06/02/2015   Ecological Concerns Incorporated, founded in 1992 as Central Coast Wilds, is an ecological consulting firm and native plant nursery.

www.chilebosque.cl   28/05/2016   Chilebosque es un proyecto conformado por un grupo de amantes de la naturaleza con el interés común de conocer y ayudar a difundir las bellezas de la flora nativa de Chile.

www.chileflora.com   28/05/2016   Chileflora is a project established in Central Chile in 2005, near the city of Talca, some 250 km south of the Chilean capital, Santiago.

www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraSpanish/SHSearchengine.htm   21/12/2019   Buscador de Plantas, Base de datos de Chile Flora con índices de las plantas nativas chilenas con fotos y descripciones cortas, proporcionado por Chile Flora, proveedor de semillas de plantas chilenas nativas.

www.chileflora.com/Shome.htm   28/05/2016   Chileflora es una emprendimiento iniciado en centro-sur de Chile, cerca de la ciudad de Talca, aproximadamente 250 km. al sur de la capital chilena, Santiago y que está funcionando desde 2005.

www.ciffc.ca   28/04/2020   The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) is a not-for-profit corporation owned and operated by the federal, provincial and territorial wildland fire management agencies to coordinate resource sharing, mutual aid, and information sharing.

www.cifor.org   28/04/2020   The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a non-profit, scientific institution that conducts research on the most pressing challenges of forest and landscape management around the world. Using a global, multidisciplinary approach, we aim to improve human well-being, protect the environment, and increase equity.

www.clima.psu.edu   31/03/2019

www.climatecommunication.org   31/03/2019

www.climate-cryosphere.org   16/04/2015   The term "cryosphere" describes those portions of the Earth's surface where water is in solid form. This includes all kinds of ice, snow, and frozen ground such as permafrost.

www.climateprediction.net   31/03/2019

www.cnps.org   28/04/2020   California Native Plant Society (CNPS). California has more native plants than any other state in the nation, making it one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. We’re working to protect California’s native plants and habitats for generations to come.

www.co2science.org   03/01/2018

www.co2science.org/index.php   29/10/2019   The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change was created to disseminate factual reports and sound commentary on new developments in the world-wide scientific quest to determine the climatic and biological consequences of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content.

www.corazonverde.org   09/03/2015

www.csiro.au/en/Research/LWF   29/11/2016

www.csmonitor.com/Environment/Global-Warming   31/03/2019

www.ct.gov/deep/site/default.asp   25/12/2014   Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

www.ctsa.org   29/05/2017   The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture’s mission is to support aquaculture research, development, demonstration and extension education to enhance viable and profitable U. S. aquaculture. Unlike the other centers, which work within a defined geographical region, the CTSA “region” encompasses tropical and subtropical species wherever they are cultured.

www.daylilies.org   17/11/2015

www.daylily.com   17/11/2015

www.desmogblog.com   31/03/2019

www.diggingdog.com   01/12/2016

www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/flora.htm   04/02/2015

www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/meades.htm   04/02/2015

www.digital-nature.com   15/09/2016   Digital Nature es un equipo multidisciplinar compuesto por profesionales del marketing, la ingeniería y el diseño de páginas web en Alicante, España.

www.digital-nature.de   04/02/2015

www.digital-nature.de/pflanzenwelt/pflanzen.html   04/02/2015